Why GitHub? and How to Use GitHub?


GIT is a version control to keep track of code, and (GitHub)’s syntax provides such services. With that in mind, “Github has become the world’s leading repository of open-source computer code” (Banks 2017) and hosts many open source projects for machine learning and deep learning such as tensorflow , keras, theano , among many others. But that is not the only attractive part of Github, it can also be used for scientific writing where you can have open discussions for your work which, esentially, the openness of Github plays a crucial role in scientific research (Klemm 2014). In the scientific world, Github is much more used than mercurial and bitbucket. A scholar.google search yields 199,000 results for a “github” search, while a “bitbucket” search only returns 15,400 results. on the 3 of March 2018 (EuroScipy 2013). In this regard, one interesting journal is ReScience, which its goal is to make available the explicit replication of already published computational research. ReScience lives on GitHub where each new implementation of computational studies are made available together with comments, explanations and tests (ReScience 2018).

Therefore, the goals of the use of Github in Machine Learning for Mexico (#ML4MX) are (1) to share any of proposals, posts, projects and anything with the goal of explicit replication, (2) to allow anyone to re-run and understand the code without any barriers, and (3) to increase the transparency and the improvement of reproducibility and its openness of computational research.

Using GitHub


One main assumption is that the reader knows what a terminal is, as many of the following lines are meant to be typed into the terminal. If you are not familiar with the terminal, see this for a tutorial on how to use the command line.

Ubuntu, an Open Source System for Computers.

We encourage the community of #ML4MX to use GNU/Linux distributions which goals align with the spirit of doing open and replicable science. Users can also use of Windows OS, but take in mind that many of Windows OS tools are not open source which provide a barrier for anyone to re-run and understand the code.

We direct the reader to the following, two out of many, sources to learn more about Ubuntu (Ubuntu:Wikipedia 2018) and Ubuntu installation.

Installing git in Ubuntu

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git

Create a New Repo

To create a new repository on GitHub go to: https://github.com/new

Get Unlimited Private Repositories

Sign up for the academic/student pack on GitHub as many lab projects (also known as repositories or repos) might need to be private (until publication, of course) and non-academics do not get unlimited free private ones. Sign up here — they only need your academic (.ac.uk or .edu, etc.) email address to associate it with your account.

Set up your git

Before to start using git in terminal, you have to setup your githubusername and your email as follows

git config --global user.name "githubusername"
git config --global user.email "user@sth.sth"

Clone a Repo

Cloning means getting a repository for the first time. So to download a whole repository for the first time (e.g., my blogpost-submission repo):

git clone https://github.com/ML4MX/blogpost-submission

This command makes different new directories called, for instance: article. So you would need to change directory in order to see your newly downloaded files, i.e., cd, like so:

cd article

Then you can ls and ls -a to see all your files. Feel free to actually clone blogpost-submission repository as you cannot break it on GitHub since you do not have push rights.

Add Files

Adding a file means asking version control to start watching it, but it is not yet in the history of your repository. Just adding is not enough! All add does is say add this file to queue of files to be committed (the next section). You can be explicit and name the files you want to add (all other files will not be added):

git add filename_1 filename_2... filename_n

Alternatively, you can add everything (except the things in your .gitignore file):

git add -A

If you just add a file, it is not safe yet! It needs to be committed (next section) to be safely under version control!

Commit Files

Committing is adding all the files to version control, although not to the server (the next section).

To commit everything you have just added:

git commit -m "I've just made some very dramatic changes"

For your files to be 100% safe make you must also push them (the next section). Only committing makes files be under version control on your local machine, e.g., your laptop, but they will not be accessible from another computer.

Push Files

Pushing commits, and therefore files, makes your changes enter into the version control system on the server as well as your local machine, so on GitHub. So pushing is the superior form of backup and version control because it means that there are at least two copies of your work and its history: one local copy (the stuff you were just working on) and one server-side copy (what you just pushed).

Once everything you need is added and committed, it is time to push. Many adds may be in one commit, many commits may be in one push. But there is no reason to limit yourself to pushing once a day. Push as often as possible pretty much, is my advice.

Unsurprisingly, as you might guess, to push you type:

git push origin master

Check the Status

To check what is going on, what changes have been made, compare your local repository’s status with that of the server, etc., type:

git status

This command will often tell you what you need to do given the current changes you have made, e.g., tell you you need to push your commits. If you are unsure of anything, running git status should give you a hint about what the next command you want to run is.

Importantly, if you have made server-side changes, i.e., you did some work on machine A and pushed all that work to the server and now you are on a completely different machine B and need to get back to working on your repo, you need to tell the repo on this different machine B to check the server for changes. This can be done by asking your local git, on B, to fetch the changes from the server:

git fetch

Bear in mind that fetch does not download any files, it merely updates what your local git knows about the changes you did on machine A which you then pushed to the server. After fetching, you may run git status as then the information on the differences between your local files and those on the server will be correct. Otherwise, if you just run git status you risk getting the wrong information about what is on the server versus your local repo.

Discard Changes

If you made some local changes and you do not want them around at all — you just want what is on the server, you can run:

git stash

This discards all your local changes that have not been added or committed.

Pull Files

Pulling means getting stuff from the server. If you have made changes at work and then go home and want to continue working where you left off, you run:

git pull

Unsurprisingly, pull does the opposite of what push does. It downloads all the files you previously pushed to the server from work on your home computer.

The previous tutorial is based on the work of Olivia Guest (Guest 2017a, Guest 2017b).

More tutorials

This is an interactive tutorial that teach you everything of GitHub in about 15 minutes at try.github.io


(ReScience 2018) Reproducible Science is good. Replicated Science is better.
(Guest 2017a) O. Guest, Git (and Github) Cheat Sheet in Github, Nov 2017
(Guest 2017b,) O. Guest, Git (and Github) Cheat Sheet in blog, Nov 2017
(Klemm 2014) P. Klemm, Use Github for Scientific Writing, July 2014
(Banks 2017) M Banks, We need Github for academia research, April 2017
(EuroScipy 2013) Git and Github (Ubuntu:Wikipedia 2018) Ubuntu (operating system)

Pull Request
